{Event}: Alice in Wonderland Birthday Party

Cute Alice in Wonderland Birthday party

Wednesday October 7, 2015

Hi guys!! Here are some photos of my 27th Birthday!! Hooray!! I had such a fantastic day filled with balloons, flowers,  and lots of sweet treats. For our dinner party, we decided to go with an Alice in Wonderland tea party theme (my fav!). I feel so blessed to have shared such a special day with my loved ones. Thank you all so much for your kind birthday wishes!

-- En Español -- Hola chicos! Aquí les muestro algunas fotos de mi cumpleaños número 27!! Wee!! Tuve un día maravilloso lleno de globos, flores, y muchos dulcecitos. Para celebrar la ocasión, decidimos organizar una fiesta de Alicia en el País de las Maravillas (mi favorito!). Me siento muy pero muy bendecida de haber podido compartir este día especial con mis seres queridos. Muchísimas gracias a todos por sus buenos deseos de cumpleaños!

This blue floral dress is so feminine and pretty!
This Disney clutch is SO cute!!
Cute and colorful outfit for Spring!Cute and colorful outfit for Spring!
Cute cake for an Alice in Wonderland Party
Cute desserts for an Alice in Wonderland Party
Cute hats and ties for a Mad Tea Party! - Alice in Wonderland
Love this adorable hats for an Alice in Wonderland Party!
{Dress/Vestido: Gama n Gama (Panama)  ;  Shoes/Zapatos: BBB (Panama)  ;  Clutch: Disney World (present!)  ;  Bracelet/Pulsera: Forever21}
Marie McGrath, Panama Fashion Blogger

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