Weekend Wear | Valentino + VillageLuxe

Blazer - J.Crew Blazer  Cami - J.Crew Factory Racerback Cami  Denim - Flame 'Le Color Rip' Skinny Jean c/o  Sunglasses - House of Harlow 1960  Heels - Valentino Patent T-Straps c/o  Bag - Chanel (similar style at ShopBop) villageluxe consignment corporate Catwalk
Blazer - J.Crew Blazer  Cami - J.Crew Factory Racerback Cami  Denim - Flame 'Le Color Rip' Skinny Jean c/o  Sunglasses - House of Harlow 1960  Heels - Valentino Patent T-Straps c/o  Bag - Chanel (similar style at ShopBop) villageluxe consignment corporate Catwalk
Blazer - J.Crew Blazer  Cami - J.Crew Factory Racerback Cami  Denim - Flame 'Le Color Rip' Skinny Jean c/o  Sunglasses - House of Harlow 1960  Heels - Valentino Patent T-Straps c/o  Bag - Chanel (similar style at ShopBop) villageluxe consignment corporate Catwalk
Blazer - J.Crew Blazer  Cami - J.Crew Factory Racerback Cami  Denim - Flame 'Le Color Rip' Skinny Jean c/o  Sunglasses - House of Harlow 1960  Heels - Valentino Patent T-Straps c/o  Bag - Chanel (similar style at ShopBop) villageluxe consignment corporate Catwalk
Blazer - J.Crew Blazer  Cami - J.Crew Factory Racerback Cami  Denim - Flame 'Le Color Rip' Skinny Jean c/o  Sunglasses - House of Harlow 1960  Heels - Valentino Patent T-Straps c/o  Bag - Chanel (similar style at ShopBop) villageluxe consignment corporate Catwalk
Blazer - J.Crew Blazer  Cami - J.Crew Factory Racerback Cami  Denim - Flame 'Le Color Rip' Skinny Jean c/o  Sunglasses - House of Harlow 1960  Heels - Valentino Patent T-Straps c/o  Bag - Chanel (similar style at ShopBop) villageluxe consignment corporate Catwalk
Blazer - J.Crew Blazer  Cami - J.Crew Factory Racerback Cami  Denim - Flame 'Le Color Rip' Skinny Jean c/o  Sunglasses - House of Harlow 1960  Heels - Valentino Patent T-Straps c/o  Bag - Chanel (similar style at ShopBop) villageluxe consignment corporate Catwalk
Blazer - J.Crew Blazer  Cami - J.Crew Factory Racerback Cami  Denim - Flame 'Le Color Rip' Skinny Jean c/o  Sunglasses - House of Harlow 1960  Heels - Valentino Patent T-Straps c/o  Bag - Chanel (similar style at ShopBop) villageluxe consignment corporate Catwalk

When it comes to online consignment, my favorite place to buy and sell clothing is Poshmark. So when I learned about VillageLuxe, a community where you can rent luxury clothing & accessories from fellow stylist, editors and fashion enthusiasts around New York City, I was thrilled! For New Yorkers, here's a great place for you to rent your own pieces to other women in Manhattan. If you have a pair of Valentino heels in your closet and haven't worn them for a few years, VillageLuxe is a great place for you to rent our your pieces.

There are so many amazing designer shoes, bags, dresses on VillageLuxe. There are so many bags I wanted to rent for a week, but I decided to get try out this pair of Frame ripped denim that I've been lusting over for months. The Valentino heels were an easy decision for me to make. I love my black patent leather pumps, the nude pair are great to complete any summer look. And last, the beloved Chanel bag. Red being my favorite color, this was a great piece to add to my outfits for the week. I love the durability of Chanel bags. 

For those interested, you can signup for VillageLuxe with access code CATWALK. The code is available for the first 100 users. Look forward to seeing what you find on VillageLuxe.

Blazer - J.Crew Blazer
Sunglasses - House of Harlow 1960
Bag - Chanel (similar style at ShopBop) c/o

Photos by Lydia Hudgens

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