Printed Dress + Fringe

Dress - Goodnight Macaroon size small Heels - Schutz  Bag - Michael Kors Sunglasses - Anthropologie on sale Watch - Kate Spade  Lipstick - MAC Ruby Woo Bracelet - LOFT
Dress - Goodnight Macaroon size small Heels - Schutz  Bag - Michael Kors Sunglasses - Anthropologie on sale Watch - Kate Spade  Lipstick - MAC Ruby Woo Bracelet - LOFT
Dress - Goodnight Macaroon size small Heels - Schutz  Bag - Michael Kors Sunglasses - Anthropologie on sale Watch - Kate Spade  Lipstick - MAC Ruby Woo Bracelet - LOFT
Dress - Goodnight Macaroon size small Heels - Schutz  Bag - Michael Kors Sunglasses - Anthropologie on sale Watch - Kate Spade  Lipstick - MAC Ruby Woo Bracelet - LOFT
Dress - Goodnight Macaroon size small Heels - Schutz  Bag - Michael Kors Sunglasses - Anthropologie on sale Watch - Kate Spade  Lipstick - MAC Ruby Woo Bracelet - LOFT
Dress - Goodnight Macaroon size small Heels - Schutz  Bag - Michael Kors Sunglasses - Anthropologie on sale Watch - Kate Spade  Lipstick - MAC Ruby Woo Bracelet - LOFT
Dress - Goodnight Macaroon size small Heels - Schutz  Bag - Michael Kors Sunglasses - Anthropologie on sale Watch - Kate Spade  Lipstick - MAC Ruby Woo Bracelet - LOFT

As all the fashion bloggers and icons come to New York for NYFW, I'm heading to Kansas City to visit a precious little 9-year old for her birthday. My niece and I will be celebrating her birthday all over Kansas City. The first order of business will be manicures and pedicures and then ice cream! 

Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

Dress - Goodnight Macaroon size small
Heels - Schutz 
Sunglasses - Anthropologie on sale
Watch - Kate Spade 
Lipstick - MAC Ruby Woo
Bracelet - LOFT

Photos by Lydia Hudgens

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